The Ninja Saga!
Ninja Homeland

Ninja History

Contacting a Ninja

Links to things Ninja Related

The Ninja Saga

Guest Book Says

Secret Ninja Photos

Photo2 Page


The wonderful day of..."Ninja Nick and Ninja Shawn!
Ninja Nick and Ninja Shawns day began at 16:74 pm...we ran around in black pajamas and hit eachother with sticks for about 3 hours...
20:03...Ninja Shawn was hit in the eye...he ran into a tree..he was life-flighted to the "Ninja Hospital" where he was smacked around for not being "tough enough"...
23:54...i (Ninja Nick) spilled coffee on my lap...Ninja Shawn laughted at me so i hit him in the eye...we then went back to the hospital...
24:05...Ninja Shawn had to return to his "Ninja Pad" to be all ninja-ie byhimself...
24:25-63:72...Ninja Nick did nothing... ended...

fun huh?

Click to go to my other site...The better one...
(click the picture stupid)
Hey! i have an idea! how about u send me all of your money?...ok i know your thinking "man nick...i would love to can i?" well ur problems are solved...just put the money in an envelop and send it to...

Ninja Nick!
1673 big mountain mt.
mountainville mountain 37022

...thanks...your money is apreciated...

The game to test your "Ninja-bility"

H&C save Cheeseland


My crappy "Neopet"
skating_ninja_nick got their NeoPet at

Some random child i found...and made him my "Grass Hopper"
Notice his lame yellow is a sign of not being as cool as me...i must watch out for things like that...

I am curently testing ways to train "Tree Rats" in the way of the Ninja
I will also try my hand at Bears, octopuses, salmon, and beavers...Nature hikes will never be the same...

What do you want from me?!?!