Ninja History...
Ninja Homeland

Ninja History

Contacting a Ninja

Links to things Ninja Related

The Ninja Saga

Guest Book Says

Secret Ninja Photos

Photo2 Page

Ninja Nick Land
The pic to the right if of my "secret ninja house" i like to call it NNSNH(Ninja Nicks Secret Ninja House)..
yes i know it dosent look like much...but it is inside the mountain you stupid idiot!

Ninja Nick's super history
It all started when i was 7...i was so full hearted...blah blah blah. and i became a ninja through years of intense training!

Ninja Shawn's history
I dont know much about Ninja Shawn but i do know that i met him last Thursday and we are realy good friends...
although he is my ninja rival!


bwahahahaha.....(senister laugh)